Located in:
Colorado - Florida - Indiana

Multi Engine Piston Aircraft Sales

Looking to sell your piston twin aircraft and don’t know where to start? Altivation will provide an in depth pricing analysis on your aircraft’s value based on key factors including a comprehensive market review to ensure you get the most out of your aircraft. All while providing extensive global marketing, including professional in house photography of your aircraft.

Learn more about how Altivation can help you sell your aircraft by downloading our aircraft sales brochure from the popup below, or contact us today at sales@altivationaircraft.com or by phone at 720-663-9281 (option 2).

Multi Engine Piston Aircraft Currently Available:

1973 Cessna 414 RAM VI - For Sale

Stored in dry heated hangar in the Denver metro area. Aircraft is now undergoing a complete and thorough annual inspection. All AD’s and Mandatory SB’s are being completed.

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1979 Cessna 340 RAM IV - For Sale

Just completed annual inspection at Air Impressions and RAM 335hp Upgrade

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1976 Cessna 310R - SOLD

Western owned and hangar kept Cessna 310R. This former part 135 operated and maintained aircraft…

Ready to Buy or Sell your next aircraft?

Cessna 182Altivation Aircraft offers both buyer and seller sales services, and is ready to help with your next piston twin aircraft transaction.

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