SN: 20800579
Total Time Since New (TTSNEW) Hrs 790
PT6A-114A, 675 SHP
Engine Total Time Since New: Hrs 790
Time Between Overhaul (TBO/TBCI) Hrs 3,600
McCauley 3 blade with prop de-ice
SPOH hrs 58
June 2021 Annual
Configuration/PAX: 2 crew and 9 passengers
General: Forward club, with two seats aft of club arrangement, and rear belted 3 place bench seat.
Seating: Gray leather interior
Oxygen: 13 port Oxygen system
Air Conditioning: Freon
2015 Factory Matterhorn White with Royal Blue and Blue Gray accents
Flight Rules: IFR
Avionics Package: Garmin G1000 Avionics Suite
Audio Panel: Garmin
Transponder: Garmin ADS-B Compliant
Autopilot/FD: Garmin GFC-700
KTA870 Traffic Advisory System
WX Radar: Garmin GWX68-4 Color Weather Radar
Terrain: Garmin TWAS-B Terrain Avoidance System
Synthetic Vision
XM Satellite Weather/Entertainment
Jeppesen Chart View

Additional Information:
This clean privately owned and low time 2015 Cessna 208 Caravan has been western kept the the majority of its life and features a full Garmin G1000 panel, and a Garmin GFC 700 autopilot. Powered by the Pratt & Whitney PT6-114A turboprop engine, with a 3-bladed McCauley prop, the aircraft features both prop de-ice and TKS de-ice system. Stay informed on the weather along your route with the onboard Garmin GWX68 4 color weather radar, and XM weather and entertainment system, or get above the weather when able with the crew and cabin installed 13 port oxygen system. The interior of this 2015 Cessna Caravan features seating for 11 (9 pax and 2 crew) configured with a forward club arrangement, with two forward facing seats just aft of the the club seats, at the back of the cabin a 3 place belted bench seat. Seats are done in a two tone black and gray leather, and cabin feature a light gray headliner, dark gray carpet, and a modern multi tone gray side wall. For additional information on this 2015 Cessna 208 Caravan, Contact Altivation Aircraft today.
Request copy of digital logbooks
Best Cruise Speed: 186 KTAS
Max Range: 1,070 nm
Average Fuel Burn: 65 gph
Service Ceiling: 25,000
Takeoff Distance: 2,055
Gross Weight: 8,035 lbs
Basic Empty Weight: 4,730 lbs
Fuel Capacity: 332 gal
Useful Load: 3,305 lbs
Max Landing: 7,800 lbs
Length: 37′ 7″
Wingspan: 52′ 1″
Height: 14′ 11″
Cabin Height: 54″
Cabin Length: 17′ 4″
For More Information on this Exclusive Listing, Contact: Chris Swathwood ~ ~ Phone: +1-720-663-9281
Specifications subject to verification by purchaser