Priced at: SOLD
SN: 20800366
Total Time Since New (TTSNEW) Hrs 2933
Since Hot Inspection (SHI/SMPI) Hrs 304
Time Between Overhaul (TBO/TBCI) Hrs 3,600
McCauley: 3GFR34C703-B
Prop TTSNEW 2933, TSPOH: 30 (Overhaul May 2020)
May 2020 Annual
Configuration/PAX: 2 crew and 8 passengers
Air Conditioning: Freon
General: Original interior
Seating: Gray leather seating
Oxygen: Yes
Colors: White w/blue and silver trim (Painted in 2008)
Flight Rules: IFR
Autopilot: Bendix/King KFC-225 IFCS
Communication Radios:Garmin GNS-430; Garmin GNS-530W
Intercom: PMA7000B with IntelliPAX 6 place intercom extension
GPS: Garmin GNS-430; Garmin GNS-530W
HSI: Sandel 3500 (Full Color)
ADF: King KR-87 TSO
DME: King KN-53
Flight Director: Bendix/King KFC-225 IFCS
Radar Altimeter: Bendix/King KRA-10A FreeFlight TRI-40
Transponder: Garmin GTX-345 ADS-B 2020 Compliant
MFD: Bendix/King KMD850 (WX Radar, Terrain, Traffic, Moving Map)
Weather Radar: King RDR-160
Sat/COM: SKYTrac CDP250 and DVI250
Entertainment: SIRRUS (AI-SSR SIRRUS Satellite Receiver) or AUX Audio

Additional Information:
This clean low time 2002/2003 Cessna 208 is equipped with single point refueling, De-ice boots, firewall reinforcement mod, Aero Twin rudder gust lock, Rosen sun visor system, vortex generators STC, Gross Weight Increase, Aero Twin extended baggage STC, and No Damage History. Equipped with a Bendix/King KMD-850 multi-function display, Sandel 3500 full color HSI interfaced with 530W, 430W, PMA7000B, KR-87 ADF, KN-63 DME, WX-500. Avionics Innovations satellite tuner, SIRRUS XM WX, SkyTrac CDP250 Satcom, and more. Standard leather interior with seating for up to 8 passengers and 2 crew, in the air condition cabin. Aircraft was previously on floats (operated in central Canada), with complete logs since new and annual inspection and prop overhaul completed in May 2020.
Best Cruise Speed: 186 KTAS
Max Range: 1,070 nm
Average Fuel Burn: 65 gph
Service Ceiling: 25,000
Takeoff Distance: 2,055
Gross Weight: 8,360 lbs
Basic Empty Weight: 4,730 lbs
Fuel Capacity: 332 gal
Useful Load: 3,305 lbs
Max Landing: 7,800 lbs
For More Information on this Exclusive Listing, Contact: Chris Swathwood ~ ~ Phone: +1-720-663-9281
Specifications subject to verification by purchaser