2022 VANS RV-10 Kit:
Included in Sale:
Fuselage Kit
Empennage/Cone Kit
Wing Kit
Finishing Kit
Lycoming Thunderbolt YIO-540-D4A5 – 260 HP
Airflow Systems ASAC-5000 Air Conditioning Kit
RV-10 Windscreen/Cabin Windows and wing tip lens
Ball Bearing Aileron Bellcrank Bracket Kit
RV-10 Extended Range Fuel Tank
3 Bladed hydraulic MTV-12-B/193-35 MT Composite Prop (White with red tips)
Spinner Assembly
Dual P-Mags
Airflow Oil Cooler
RV-10 Overhead Console
Several sets of tires with wheels
Must be purchased as whole kit. Parts/items will NOT be sold separately.
Additional Information:
No waiting for a complete kit, an engine or other parts to ship as they are delivered including the laser cut replacement parts and now just waiting to be built. The builder and A&P had just started this project when it had to be put on hold and is now a perfect opportunity for someone ready to get going on their dream RV10 build.
Aircraft kit is currently stored in a climate controlled storage facility in Southwest Florida. Easy access and forklift on site to load into your transport.
For More Information Contact ~ Chris Swathwood ~ ~ Phone: +1-720-663-9281
Specifications and Condition subject to independent verification by purchaser