Located in:
Colorado - Florida - Indiana

2011 VANS RV6 – For Sale

Price Reduced – $84,900


Airframe Total Time Since New (TTSNEW) Hrs 526

Lycoming O-360-A1A – 180 HP
Engine: Time Since New (SNEW) Hrs 526

Prop: Time Since New (SNEW) Hrs 526

Just completed fresh Annual/Condition Inspection


TruTrak Flight Systems Gemini PFD
ADS-B: Garmin GDL 50
Transponder: King KT76A
GPS: Garmin 660
NAV/COMM: Bendix King KY97A
Autopilot: EZ Pilot linked to portable Garmin GPS
Cylinder/EGT Monitor: Electronic Instruments UBG-16
Fuel Flow Monitor: Electronic Instruments FP-5L

Included with Sale:
uAvionix EchoUAT ADS-B (Not Installed)
Advanced Flight Systems AOA (Not Installed)
2 Garmin Portable GPS Units
Full Plane Cover
Tow Bar
Supertrack Canopy Track Extensions (Not currently installed)
Additional Accessories

Configuration/PAX: 2 seats
Gray and Red interior

Painted in 2011
Rating 9 out of 10

Additional Information:

This 180hp Vans RV6 is an excellent balance between aerobatics and cross country flying. This fun two place experimental aerobatic aircraft was built and flown in the Venice, Florida area where it is still currently hangared. Complete logs since new with no known damage history and only 526 hours total time since new. Aircraft just completed a fresh Annual/Condition Inspection. For more information on this Vans RV-6 contact us today!

Digital Logs Available for review upon request.

Aircraft Walkaround Video: Click Here

Aircraft Based at KVNC


Max Cruise Speed: 182 kts (210 mph)
Cruise at 75% power: 174 kts (200 mph)
Best Range: 750 sm
Fuel Burn at 75%: 8 gph
Service Ceiling: 25,000


Fuel Capacity: 38 gal
Gross Weight 1700 lbs
Empty Weight: 1037 lbs
Baggage 75 lbs

2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 5
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 4
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 3
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 2
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 1
2011 Vans RV6 Panel 2
2011 Vans RV6 Panel 1
2011 Vans RV6 Interior
2011 Vans RV6 Interior 2
RV6 Plane Cover
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2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 5
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 4
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 3
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 2
2011 Vans RV6 Exterior 1
2011 Vans RV6 Panel 2
2011 Vans RV6 Panel 1
2011 Vans RV6 Interior
2011 Vans RV6 Interior 2
RV6 Plane Cover
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For More Information Contact ~ Chris Swathwood ~ sales@altivationaircraft.com ~ Phone: +1-720-663-9281

Specifications and Condition subject to independent verification by purchaser

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