Located in:
Colorado - Florida - Indiana

1973 Learjet 25B – SOLD

*** SOLD ***

General Electric CJ610-6 Turbojet – 5000 TBO w/ hush kits
Airframe Total Time Since New (TTSNEW) Hrs 10,600
Total Cycle/Landings: 9557

Left Engine:
Total Time Since New: 13,477
Total Cycles Since New: 11,641
Time Since Overhaul: 4,036
Time Since Hot Section Inspection: 380

Right Engine:
Total Time Since New: 5,451
Total Cycles Since New: 5,108
Time Since Overhaul: 4,200
Time Since Hot Section Inspection: 852

Inspection Status: Last Annual/Phase A1-A6 completed 03/2023
2013 12 year A, B, C, & D Checks Completed
Phase A1-A6 Due 03/2024
Phase B1-B6 Due 03/2024
Phase C1-C6 Due 03/2026
Phase D1-D6 Due 03/2030
12 Year Due 06/2025
Pitot Static/Transponder: 01/2024
RVSM Certification Due: 01/2024

ADS-B (Dual Garmin GTX335)
Gables G7534 Transponder Control
Autopilot with Flight Director
GPS: Garmin 530W/TAWS
WX Radar

Equipped with drag chute

Configuration/PAX: 2 crew 6 passenger
Beige leather interior with rear bench seat for up to 3 passengers, with left and right tables and two aft facing rear cabin seats. Forward cabin offers two forward facing seats, with a side facing belted lav seat. Forward cabin area offers beverage station with hot pot, and other beverage and snack storage.

Overall white, with red, black, and gold accent stripes

Additional Information:

Privately owned and operated in Colorado for over 20 years, this Learjet 25B offers Garmin 530AW TAWS, WX Radar, RVSM, ADS-b, and hush kits. The Learjet 25B provides seating for up to 8, with 2 required crew members, and seating for 6 in the corporate configured cabin, including the belted lav. Aircraft has complete logs since new, no known damage history, and is actively flying so times are subject to change.

Digital logs available upon request.

View our aircraft walkaround video here.

Cruise Speed: 473 ktas
Max Range (IFR Range): 1,437 nm
Service Ceiling: 51,000
Takeoff Distance: 3,937ft

Empty Weight 8,154.26 lbs
Useful Load: 6,845.74 lbs
Fuel Capacity: 6,134 lbs
Fuel Consumption: 273 gph

Aircraft Size:
Length: 47.56 ft
Wing Span: 35.6 ft
Height: 13 ft
Baggage: 38.8 cubic ft
Cabin Size:
Length: 20.5 ft
Width: 4.92 ft
Height 4.32 ft

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1973 Lear 25B Exterior 1
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 2
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 3
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 4
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 5
1973 Lear 25B Panel
1973 Lear 25B Interior 1
1973 Lear 25B Interior 2
1973 Lear 25B Interior 4
1973 Lear 25B Interior 6
1973 Lear 25B Interior 7
1973 Lear 25B Interior 8
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1973 Lear 25B Exterior 1
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 2
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 3
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 4
1973 Lear 25B Exterior 5
1973 Lear 25B Panel
1973 Lear 25B Interior 1
1973 Lear 25B Interior 2
1973 Lear 25B Interior 4
1973 Lear 25B Interior 6
1973 Lear 25B Interior 7
1973 Lear 25B Interior 8
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For More Information Contact ~ Chris Swathwood ~ sales@altivationaircraft.com ~ Phone: +1-720-663-9281

Specifications, times, condition and inspection status are subject to independent verification by purchaser

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